The Truth About Israel

In the beginning, G-d created the Heavens and the Earth

What is the reason the Torah begins with Creation? Because if the nations of the world say to Israel: "You are robbers because you have conquered with force the lands of the nations of Canaan" Israel can answer: "He created it and gave it to whomever was proper in His eyes. Of His own will He gave it to them and of His own will He took it from them and gave it to us."

-- Rashi on Genesis 1:1

and you will have peace.

When the Jewish people will trust in G-d, that the Land of Israel belongs unequivocally to them, and are willing to declare this openly to the nations of the world, then “No one will contest the matter, and you will not need to go to war.” In fact, even weapons will prove unnecessary…” The Rebbe, (Likutei Sichos, vol. 34, p. 8)



But it may not be exactly what you think…

Want to know the truth about Israel?

Click here to find out what the news will never tell you.

Peace Talks

All the nations are one day going to come together and start talking peace amongst themselves. This talk of peace will have one underlying goal: to destroy Israel. And their rationale shall be: because they [the Jews] established for themselves their own government; and though the Jews will be in tremendous danger at that time, nevertheless they will not be destroyed; in fact, from that very situation they will be saved.

Rabbi Moshe Cordevero (Ramak) on Zohar Bereishis, 199 - approximately 500 years ago

A Deeper Look:
Prophecy, Israel and the Future of Mankind
Global Webcast Event
July 18, 2010

A Spiritual Solution: Shifra’s Interview on Israel National News

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The Torah - Our One and Only Claim to the Land

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