What You Can Do to Help Israel
Increase in Charity and Acts of Kindness
“Great is tzedaka (charity) because it brings redemption closer” Talmud
Each time you do something to help someone else, G-d’s attribute of kindness and mercy is aroused as well. There are many ways of giving. In addition to giving money, you also can give your time, your attention, your kindness, a helping hand.
Pray for Israel and the Jewish People
Whether you are Jewish or not, your prayers will help! There are many prayers you can say, including speaking to G-d from your heart, in your own words. Traditionally, in times of trouble, it is especially appropriate to say
Psalm 20.
Put a Mezuzah on Your Door – or Do it for a Friend
Every kosher mezuzah placed in a doorway of any Jewish home strengthens the security of all Jews, wherever they may be.
Tefillin Protects our Soldiers
On the eve of the Six Day War in 1967, when the entire world predicted Israel's demise, the Rebbe initiated the tefillin campaign. Tefillin is especially effective in helping soldiers who are fighting in the war to achieve victory in the war.
Shabbos Candles
When a Jewish woman lights Shabbos Candles 18 minutes before sunset on Friday evening, she brings a special Divine light into her heart, her home and the world at large. This light helps to illuminate the darkness and confusion of exile.
Shabbos candles, in Hebrew, are known as "Neiros Shabbos Kodesh", the acronym of which is "Neshek" - meaning ammunition. The light of the Shabbos candles actually provides ammunition for the Jewish people in our spiritual wars.
To learn more about the mitzvah of lighting Shabbos candles,
click here.
Torah and Jewish children
In the story of Purim, Mordechai gathered tens of thousands of Jewish children and learned Torah with them. This was instrumental in saving the Jewish people from destruction. Likewise, in our times, gathering children and teaching them Torah will help to save us as well.
Tell the Truth
Every time you share the Torah’s perspective with someone else, it sheds some light into the darkness of illusion. Tell a friend about this website without delay.
In addition to sharing this website, there are other ways you can help spread the truth and dispel the illusions.